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QLD Criminal Code - Violent Crime Definition

In the QLD Criminal Code Act, Chapters 28 through to 30 inclusive discuss a wide array of violent offences against the person.

These include murder and manslaughter, common assault, assaults occasioning bodily harm and grievous bodily harm, as well as, choking and strangulation in a domestic setting as some of the more commonly charged offences before Queensland Courts.

As a criminal defence law firm, our defence solicitors tailor criminal law advice to clients based upon their specific circumstances because we recognise that no two cases are the same.

Our criminal law code aims to protect people, and this includes an ability to defend yourself and/or another person, as well as your property. These crime defences (sometimes called justifications or excuses) are specifically legislated in Chapter 26.

Do you Need a Defence Solicitor?

Have you been charged with a violent crime and need a defence lawyer? For experienced criminal defence lawyers call Maroochydore defence law firm, Lumme Rynderman Legal. If you believe that you have acted in self-defence, or in-defence of another person, or in-defence of your property, you need a criminal defence solicitor as soon as you can get in touch with one after the event.

Seeking legal advice as early as possible is paramount, as this can affect your legal case significantly. Not doing so may result in loss of evidence such as witness statements, security camera footage and other time-sensitive evidence critical to proving you acted in accordance with the law.  

Criminal Defence Lawyers can Help you Avoid Charges if the Law is on your Side

For example, let’s run through a typical scenario:

You may be contacted by Police and asked to participate in a recorded interview. If you come legally armed with a criminal defence lawyer on your side who has helped prepare a sound legal defence, it may be more likely that you would participate in an interview with Police to avoid being charged at all.

Speaking to Police without legal representation is not advised.

Equally, an available defence might need further investigations undertaken to avoid the loss of evidence, such as a private subpoena for CCTV footage or contemporaneous witness accounts that are lost with the passage of time.

The Implications of Being Convicted of a Violent Offence

Being convicted of a violent offence means that sentences involving imprisonment are no longer a sentence of last resort. This means that the sentencing Court does not need to consider whether other sentencing options (such as probation or community service) would be appropriate before imposing a sentence of imprisonment.

There may be other consequences for your personal or professional life.

A conviction being recorded might mean that you are unable to continue in your employment, travel overseas or hold memberships or positions of trust with community organisations or charities.

Further, you may be unable to hold a working with children clearance or other type of license.

Check back as our criminal defence law firm continues to update this page with more specific information relating to offences and defences, as well as sentencing options.

Been Charged with a Violent Crime? Call a Criminal Defence Solicitor ASAP

If violent crime charges have been brought against you, then you need to avail yourself of criminal law services and violent crime legal advice promptly, before talking to the police. 

Get in touch with our Maroochydore criminal defence law firm as soon as charges are laid against you. A Lumme Rynderman Legal defence solicitor will guide you through the entire legal process, and work with you to ensure you have a solid legal defence prepared.

Ready to get started with the right advice?

The advice that you're given can greatly affect your human rights. The timeliness of this advice is equally important.
Contacting our criminal law solicitors at the earliest opportunity is critical. Don't wait until after the Police have finished executing their search warrant or have arrested you.
The Police have just told you that you have the right to contact a friend, relative or lawyer because you should do that.

Contact Us Online Call: (07) 5406 4055