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Can’t Afford a Defence Criminal Lawyer? Legal Aid can Help.

The Lumme Rynderman criminal defence law firm is a “preferred supplier” of Legal Aid services. "Preferred suppliers" are private law firms doing work on behalf of legal Aid for clients applying for legal aid.

If you are charged with a criminal offence and you are unable to afford a criminal defence lawyer, you can apply for Legal Aid to allocate you a lawyer.The organisation provides legal help to financially disadvantaged people for criminal law, family law and civil law matters.

You can either lodge your application directly with Legal Aid, or through our firm.

If your application is approved, and Legal Aid appoints us, our criminal law firm then represents you as required, while deferring to Legal Aid to cover your fee payment.

Legal Aid History

The Legal Aid Office (QLD) was established in 1979 and evolved from the recognition of state and federal governments of the great need to provide financially and socially disadvantaged people with access to legal representation and other legal services.

In 1997, Legal Aid Queensland was established under the Legal Aid Queensland Act 1997. It is a statutory authority managed by its own board of directors. It replaces the former Legal Aid Office (Queensland), which was run by the Legal Aid Commission of Queensland.

The organisation is funded by the Queensland Government to undertake state law matters such as those aforementioned. Other sources of funding for such matters include client contributions and interest on invested Legal Aid Queensland funds.

Ready to get started with the right advice?

The advice that you're given can greatly affect your human rights. The timeliness of this advice is equally important.
Contacting our criminal law solicitors at the earliest opportunity is critical. Don't wait until after the Police have finished executing their search warrant or have arrested you.
The Police have just told you that you have the right to contact a friend, relative or lawyer because you should do that.

Contact Us Online Call: (07) 5406 4055